Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Ethics And Public Administration - 2137 Words

Generally, the issue of ethics especially in the business world is very complicated. Accordingly, many scholars have tried to explain the rationale behind being ethical. For instance, early scholars such as Milton Freidman and Adam Smith explains this issue by exploring on the social responsibilities of corporates, as well as in the theory of incentives whereby the rationale is driven by the needs of either the firm or an individual who is profit maximization and maximization of utility by households. This paper critiques two articles on professional ethics in public administration. The first article under critique is Professional Ethics and Public Administration in the United States authored by Moataz Fattah. In his introduction, Fattah (2011) defines the importance of professional ethics by arguing that the lack of ethical workplaces across the world has partly contributed to skepticism and a widespread lack of confidence in public officials and institutions among the citizenship. According to the author, this diminished confidence in public institutions ultimate results to the phenomenon of decline state capacity, weak or soft states or even failed states. In essence, no development and progress can occur if public institutions lack credibility and are regarded as unethical are corrupt. To provide a solution, Fattah suggests looking at several nations that have been able to control corruption and maintain strict ethical monitoring such as the United States.Show MoreRelatedPolicing1068 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Perla M. 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